Following Jesus
Religion is a system of spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices. Christianity is often regarded as one of the many religions in the world. But Christianity is more than a religion. It is about people having a personal relationship with the living God, just as it is written in the Bible - "eternal life means knowing You, the only true God, and knowing Jesus Christ whom You sent." (John 17:3)
What did Jesus claim about himself? What do others claim about Jesus? How do I know what is truth? How does this relate to me personally?
At ISMNZ we want to make it easy for you to understand more about Christian beliefs. You can explore on your own through this website, and/or you can contact an ISMNZ friend in the city or on the campus where you study.
As you make friends through events and activities run by ISMNZ, you will also have opportunity to ask these questions and more. For the more serious seeker there are small group bible studies and discovery sessions. We can also provide help for those wanting to explore being a disciple (a follower) of Jesus.
Whatever your level of interest, a ISMNZ worker and volunteer can help.
Simply contact us, and we can link you with someone at your university or learning establishment or city/town...