Staff Workers &
Christchurch Team

Mitch Gingrich
Christchurch City Leader
Mitch served as Southern Regional Leader for ISMNZ in Christchurch from 2010-2014, where he built a ministry to international students at local universities (Canterbury and Lincoln).
Nurturing others into mature ambassadors for the Gospel of the Kingdom reflects his vision for the ISMNZ ministry team in Christchurch. Many of his former students in New Zealand and beyond are actively involved in ministering the Gospel and hearing this is his great joy in ministry - 3 John 1:4. Developing and growing a ministry team in Christchurch has already begun and Mitch is well-suited to strengthen them to reach international students in culturally appropriate ways.
While honing his ministry skills at Arizona State University with 15,000+ international students pre-pandemic (2015-2018), Mitch was also privileged to assist students in building their faith in Christ. Before serving with ISMNZ in 2010, Mitch formed and led numerous Bible studies, one of which continues to this day more than 20 years after its start. Whether chairing the Deacon Board at The Chapel, Akron, Ohio or local Christian ministries, Mitch demonstrates leadership focused on serving others.
Mitch is married to Beth, and he enjoys serving others through participating in business start-ups and mentoring their founders, which he has done as a previous advisor to businesses and non-profit organisations (NGOs) through his law practice in Ohio.
Please pray for our ministry team in Christchurch that the LORD will continue to pour Himself into us so that the team may pour the LORD and His Gospel into the lives of the international students at our doorstep.
If you would like to financially support Mitch Gingrich, please visit our donate page.

Tola Sam
Campus Worker
Upon my arrival in New Zealand in 2008, I was a new believer and found myself struggling to navigate the unfamiliar culture without adequate support for transitioning. It was not until 2016, when my wife Linda introduced me to ISMNZ, that I found a sense of belonging and purpose. Since then, we have both been actively volunteering with the organization.
Having experienced God's love through the work of ISMNZ for over seven years, I am convinced that God has called us to serve among the international student community in Christchurch.
My vision is to assist these students in discovering who God is and their true identity He made them to be.
If you would like to financially support Tola Sam, please visit our donate page.